Digital transformation through a design-led approach

Pairing your business knowledge with my design-led methods and tools will help to refine your current digital products and find new opportunities for growth.

Discover and define what matters the most

The services and products that connect with us emotionally are the ones that we allow some precious space in our lives.

Collaboratively, we’ll create a unique digital experience that aligns your business goals with your customers’ needs and desires.

My design-led approach enables you to discover, understand and prioritise your goals. We’ll transform your digital offering to engage your current customers and delight new ones.

Move from insights, to wireframes to delight

Building concrete and functional products is what enables your customers to experience your services first hand.

Interviewing customers and performing user testing on bespoke prototypes enables me to create pixel-perfect products that help solve your customers everyday challenges. This information is key to building your trust and confidence with your current and prospective customers.

Wireframes, user experience maps, user interface and high fidelity prototypes will enable us to move through the product lifecycle from insights to launch and beyond.

Deliver experiences to the real world

Being able to launch your experience into the real world is the first step to understand how your customers react to your offering at scale.

Working with a multitude of developers specialised in web, app and platform, we make your digital experiences available and ready for your customers to use, enabling you to understand their impact from day one.

The goal of Thereforth is to become a digital product design studio. Over the years, I have developed a high-quality network of developers, illustrators, engineers, film producers and artists that work with me to deliver holistic digital experiences tailored to your unique problems.


  • Product Strategy
  • Minimum Viable Products (MVP)
  • Metrics & Analytics
  • Creative Direction
  • UX/UI Audit
  • Information Architecture (iA)
  • User Research
  • User Testing


  • User Experience (UX)
  • User Interface (UI)
  • iOS Native Design
  • Android Native Design
  • Illustration
  • Iconography

How does the process look like?

Every project is unique in its complexity, duration and business model. Normally, I follow these stages when working on your project:

This is where it all starts. We work collaboratively on gathering requirements, understanding key use cases, current challenges, business goals and metrics, as well as learn more about your industries best practices.

You know about your business better than anyone. This stage is about extracting as much information possible out of you and your customers so I can fully understand your current landscape and requirements.
We research your competitors, discover the current problems of your digital product and perform accessibility checks based on industry standards. This stage is essential to understand what elements of your existing digital product(s) need to improve.
The information architecture, user experience maps and low-fidelity wireframes start to take shape, leading to objective conversations on overall experience and user flows.
Beautiful images and pretty colours start to be applied to initial concepts. Mood boards and UI concepts for key screens are created, high-fidelity prototypes become available and visual direction is implemented.
It is crucial at this point that all assets are available and guidelines are created. These include iconography, type scales, UI library, illustrations and guidelines to develop a consistent experience throughout

What comes next?

Once all the stages are completed the project moves to into development* (backend and frontend) where designs, behaviours and flows are implemented.

Create your next big idea